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Lisa Adolph's Profile


Lisa Adolph


profile pic

Contact Info:

Work Phone:

316-531-2261 ex 2532

About Me

Educational History:

I attended Garden Plain Elementary and High School K-12.  After graduating from Garden Plain High School I attended Friends University and received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary/Early Childhood Education.

Current Position:

I started as a substitute teacher for several years and then taught kindergarten for three years.  I then thought I would try teaching preschool and fell in love with it---I taught preschool for 16 years in the Christian setting.  I then decided to take on a challenge and help implement a new Preschool program at Garden Plain Elementary in 2014.  I am currently the preschool teacher at Garden Plain Preschool and I love it.  I have been teaching Early Childhood Education for over 20 years.

Personal Information:

I spent most of my free time attending the events of my children.  My kids have been/are involved in football, volleyball, basketball, baseball, and softball.  I very seldom will miss one of their events.  You will most likely find me at the football field, in the gym, or at the ballpark.

Lisa Adolph

Upcoming Events

Contact Lisa Adolph

School Phone:
316-531-2261 ex 2532