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Nicole Schell's Profile


Nicole Schell

Middle School Science

profile pic

Contact Info:

Work Phone:

316-531-2261 (2544)

Cell Phone:


Conference Times:

call or text for availability

Class Room Number:


About Me

Educational History:

High School:  Glasco High School  (I graduated with 12 people in my class!!)

College:  Fort Hays State University

Degrees and Certifications:

B.A. in English

B.S. in Elementary Education

Professional Development:

I am excited to be a Grow with Google Partner and a Farm Bureau Foundation Fellow this year! I also attended the Rural Educators Digital Skills Summit this summer as well as the Kansa Corn STEM initiative through Farm Bureau and NGSX/NGSS training. 


Current Position:

This is my 11th year at GPES.  I am teaching Middle School science (for the 4th year) – this includes electives like Forensic Science, the Human Body, and STEAM classes!!! I am so excited to continue exploring the world of science with the awesome students of GP!  I will also be the Scholar’s Bowl coach again this year. Let’s make this a great year!!

Previous Position:

I have done a lot of substitute teaching in my day - PreK all the way up to high school.  I love every age group!  I have also been a Title 1 reading para for K-3 grades, a varsity football cheerleading coach, a youth director at my former church for both middle & high school groups, a youth choir director, a VBS teacher, a swimming/WSI instructor, an Odyssey of the Mind coach, B.O.B. coach and 7 years as a 5th grade teacher. I am also proud to have received Elementary Teacher of the Year for USD 267 last year! What can I say?? I LOVE TEACHING!!!

Family Information:

My family and I live in Cheney, Kansas.  I have been married for 29 years and have three wonderful kids (ages 28, forever 21, and 24).  I have one dog - Angel - but don't let her name fool you!  She's very spoiled :)  I also have 18+ koi fish in my backyard pond!. The two most exciting things for me this year will be adding another daughter to our family as my oldest is getting married and adding a grandson to the family as my youngest is having our first grandchild!!! We are SO exited about all the new adventures these changes will bring to our life!!! Check out pictures on my webpage.

Personal Information:

I have a lot of interests:  music, reading, quilting, fishing, animals, racing, football, baseball, travel, yoga and anything active!  There isn't really much that I don't like to do or wouldn't like to try (maybe just once!).  I can't wait to hear what your favorite things are :)

Contact Nicole Schell

Classroom Number:
School Phone:
316-531-2261 (2544)
Cell Phone:
Conference Time:
call or text for availability

Current Weather

Current Condition: overcast clouds

Temperature: 23.7˚F

Feels Like: 12.76˚F

Wind Speeds: 11.23mph

Weather humidity: 69%

Chance of Precipitation: %